Mayweather Padre reportaje completo en inglés  

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"Oscar going to beat the dog sh!t out of Pacquiao. Oscar going to rearrange his f@*$in' face man, believe me.
Oscar is going to turn him over man. He's going to turn him all the way over?compared to him, he's a giant. When he hit his @ss, he's going to know he's a giant," stated world-renowned trainer Floyd Mayweather Sr. as he talked about this weekend's highly-anticipated clash between Oscar De La Hoya and Manny Pacquiao.

You don't want to miss what else he had to say as he talks more about the fight, shares his thoughts on Ricky Hatton's impressive win over Paulie Malignaggi, advices Roy Jones Jr. to retire and puts to rest the false rumors that he only has two years live. Check it out!

*PC: Congrats for your win with Ricky Hatton over Paulie Malignaggi.

FM: Thank you. Thank you! *PC: How do you feel he performed?

* FM: I really think Ricky would have knocked him out cold had he not been holding Ricky. As a matter of fact, I told Kenny Bayless, I brought it to his attention before the fight that if he started doing all of that holding at a certain point, you have to start warning him and taking points. He ain't do nothing of the sort to take a point. That's all he tried to do all night, but Ricky gave him a good, thorough ass whoopin'.

*PC: I saw some different movement in Ricky and, like I told you the other day, it's the best his face has looked after a fight. I know you guys only worked together about 6 weeks, but how do you feel about some of the things he was able to do that you showed him?

* FM: (Laughing) I'm going to be honest with you man, I'm pleased, but I'm not as pleased as?maybe I'm putting too much on him. I'm the kind of guy to like a fighter to progress. I think Ricky did good for the amount of time we had together. I think he showed that he could do some things if he got down to business. If he leaves all of that drinking and stuff alone, he's going to be a good fighter. He's going to be a real good fighter. If he continues to do all of that stuff man, this here is going to be a short term thing. He got a lot of potential at this division he's in. He's hyping that Ricky Fatton thing up man, but to me, he should keep his weight down to where it's supposed to be. That way, when it's time to fight, you will be right. Things would be much easier for him if he was doing what he's supposed to do. When it gets down to business, he will be that much farther ahead.

*PC: A lot of people thought you guys would clash and that the chemistry wouldn't be there. Did you ever bump heads with Ricky?

* FM: No, no, no, no! Let me tell you something man, Ricky is one of the easiest guys in the world to teach for me. Whatever they make think, feel or believe is on them. To me, Ricky is one of the easiest guys in the world to train because he listens and he wants to learn. If you want to learn and you trying to learn, you're going to learn. That's what's going on with me and Ricky.

*PC: I read where Zab Judah is calling for a fight with Hatton. What do you think of that fight?

* FM: Ricky Hatton will beat Zab's ass! Mark my words when I tell you. I'm telling you right here man. Zab may have punching power and stuff, but I'm here to tell you right now man, Ricky Hatton can punch too. Ricky can crack. There ain't no question about it. If they ever fought (laughing), he'll find out about it.

*PC: It's been a few weeks back, but give me your opinion on the Jones-Calzaghe fight?

* FM: Ah man, lookie here, let me tell you something man, it ain't nothing left for Roy to do but retire. Retire! It's completely over, done, no more! Let him go and show him to the end.

*PC: He actually blamed his cutman for the loss.

* FM: He can't blame no cutman for that loss. Blame his own ass for not fighting. He could blame his own ass for laying against the ropes and takin' a fuckin' beating. You can't blame no damn cutman.

*PC: He said if they would have gotten the cut under control, he would've won the fight.

* FM: It's called the blame game Percy. Everybody tries to find someone to blame for their loss. How you going to blame the cutman? Motherfucker, the cutman ain't fight no damn body.

*PC: Who do you have this weekend Big Floyd?

* FM: Who is fighting this weekend?

*PC: De La Hoya and Pacquiao.

* FM: Ah man, come on man. You know who the hell I got. Oscar going to beat the dog shit out of Pacquiao. Oscar going to rearrange his fuckin' face man, believe me. Oscar is going to turn him over man. He's going to turn him all the way over.

*PC: Compared to Pacquiao, Oscar is a big man.

* FM: Compared to him, he's a giant. When he hit his ass, he's going to know he's a giant. I'm trying to tell you right now, he's talking about pressing forward. Man, Freddie Roach out of his fucking mind man. Freddie Roach can't teach nobody shit because he don't know shit and you can only teach somebody what you know so if you don't know shit, you can't teach shit. That's just the way it is with him. He's just running his motherfuckin' cock sucker.

*PC: I saw a report out that you said you only had 2 years left to live, but it was badly misquoted because another site (Eastside Boxing) quoted you correctly saying you only had 2 years left in boxing because of your lung disease. Could you clarify that?

* FM: They say I only got 2 years to live? Somebody else called me and told me that. I ain't told nobody no shit like that man. I plan on living as long as I can. I'm going to live as long as the Lord will let me live. I ain't said nothing about how long my lifespan is. Even if I'm sick in my bed and is supposed to be dead, I ain't dead until I'm dead. If I feel like I only had 2 more years left to live, I wouldn't be training nobody right now. Basically, I was saying I only have 2 years left in boxing if my condition don't change somewhat. I have maybe a year, maybe 2 with my lung disease.

*PC: It's not curable Big Floyd?

* FM: What I got now is not curable right now, but it can be under control. Bernie Mac had it and my girl right here got it. She could tell you about it right now, hold on? (Big Floyd's girlfriend, Vanessa): Hey, how are you doing?

*PC: I'm good. How are you?

* Vanessa: I'm okay.

*PC: Floyd said you also have sarcoidosis. Can you tell us about it more?

* Vanessa: Yes, it's called sarcoidosis and Floyd's had it for about 8 years. Bernie Mac didn't die exactly from that, but he had pneumonia in his lungs. But his lungs were weak because he had that sarcoid in his lungs. It probably was a build-up from all of that too. I've had it for like 30-something years, but mine is in my eyes. You wouldn't even be able to tell that I have anything from looking at me. My appearance didn't change any. When they first diagnosed it in my eyes, my eyes would have inflammation and pressure in them really bad. They wanted me to take steroids and I tried them for about 2 weeks and I told the doctor I'm not going to take them anymore. Since then, I've never taken anything for that. Every now and then, I may take an over-the-counter Motrin because it's also associated with rheumatoid arthritis and my back will stiffen up and bother me a little bit. My doctor let me know about it because my first doctor was very well-versed on the disease, but he moved to Florida. It's like a film that grows over your organs and it attacks the organs in your body. It is associated with your lungs and your eyes. Now, I don't have it in my lungs and it is a little worse in your lungs, but my doctor told me it has a lot to do with your state of mind. I don't let things stress me or bother me. I keep a positive attitude all of the time and he says that has a lot to do with it. When your body starts to break down, if you break down with it mentally, then other things come into play.

*PC: Thank you. I really appreciate the explanation and I think my man Floyd will be okay because he definitely doesn't lack confidence or mental toughness.

* Vanessa: You're welcome and you're right. Here goes Floyd.

*PC: Any closing thoughts on that my man and then I'll let you go.

* FM: Yeah Percy, just tell them that the media is lying. Whoever put that out is lying. Mayweather Sr. plans on living to be 100.

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